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When will marketeers ever learn?

Posted on | November 10, 2009 | Comments Off on When will marketeers ever learn?

A recent US study concludes that the user interaction levels with video banners are higher when placed in social media, than in other media. I don´t even need to guess if the general conclusion will be

 -“Yes, let´s load all SM arenas up with funky video banners. We could even go viral on their asses…”

No no no, this is a wrong as 10 years ago when they invested millions in CRM systems just to be able to send more targetted mails and display personalized banner offers on their web sites.

I agree there can be instances when a video banner will work even in social media. But that´s not the point. That´s not the mojo. You can create attention on a dinner by showing your vacation slides, but if you don´t follow it up by a discussion, and sooner or later give answers to the questions that always pop up in any communication, you will not remain the center of the festivities for too long.

Don´t view social media as a good cluster of potential receivers of your outbound communication. Because it is not. You´ll only crash the party.



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